Monday, November 21, 2016

 Hi everyone!

Hope all is good back home! Well this week was a bit wet haha it rained every day this week! It's also starting to get cold but it's not too bad yet. So that's your weather report from Elder Taysom haha.

Anyway just some updates on some of our investigators.... Ryan and Maggie had to leave town for a family emergency and won't be back for a couple months so we had to push their baptismal date back so that was kind of a bummer but we will be praying for their family. Oh and Regis is 26 so we had a handoff lesson with the YSA elders last week and they tell me he is still on track for his baptismal date! But this week we found 2 new investigators!

The first new investigator we found his name is Seth he's 25 and he works for a construction company. He told us he wanted to change his life around and quit drinking and smoking. We shared the restoration and the spirit was so strong. Seth then said he would like to be baptized! Haha we didn't even have to invite him! He is now striving to become ready for baptism on January 28th. We have a hand off lesson set up with the YSA elders later this week for Seth.

Our second investigator this week, is named Robin. She is like 60-75 idk I was too scared to ask but she has pink hair and loves cats! She is recovering from an open heart surgery she had about 2 months ago and she said because God let her live, she wants to go to church! Elder Packer and I then taught her about the plan of salvation and how God has a plan for us. She said she knew this was the plan for her because God spoke to her through a cloud and told her the same plan like 3 days earlier haha so I don't know if the heavy pain meds she's on had anything to do with that but hey the Lord works in mysterious ways!  We then asked her if she would like to show our Heavenly Father that she loves him by following the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized. She said yes and is preparing herself to be ready by January 7th. In our 2nd lesson with Robin we invited her to church and she said she couldn't make it this week because of a doctors apt but the week after she would definitely be there! She said she hadn't been to church in a long time and was worried she wouldn't be physically able to run around the church and speak in tongues like she used to:) haha! Elder Packer and I decided to address that in a later lesson.

Well that’s all I got for this week! Haha I'm loving it out here and love being a representative of the Lord! It has brought me so close to my Savior and has given me a front row seat to watch the gospel of Jesus Christ change people's lives.

Love Elder Taysom

          Oh and ps...... me and Elder Packer got hammocks because our beds are like rocks haha I just had to throw that in there to explain some of the pics!


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